How does curbside pick-up work?

We have so many amazing items inside the library just waiting to be checked out to you! While we remain closed for the safety of our community, you can still access the Library's collection using our curbside pick-up service. County wide online holds have opened back up so you can also request items using our catalog* OR we will be happy to do the searching for you!

To get started, you can either call the Library at 412-655-2424 when staff are in the building (Mondays: 10 - 4; Tuesdays - Thursdays: 10 - 8; Fridays: 10 - 4; Saturdays: 9 - 1) and a staff member will happily assist you. Prefer to communicate electronically? No problem! Send us an email to with your requests. Not sure exactly what you want? No sweat! Our staff is happy to select items we think you'll enjoy based on theme, type of material, and your preference.

Once we've selected your items, we'll check them out to you and work with you to select a pick-up time. During your pick-up time window, all your items will be placed together in a bag with your name and receipt with the return date. The bag will be waiting for you to pick-up from our curbside table located in our parking lot. Easy peasy!

Questions? Let us know - we're here to help!
Handicap accommodations can easily be made - just let us know what you need.

*Pro-tip: When searching for something in the catalog, select "Pleasant Hills Public Library" under "Look in the following Location." This will limit the results to items our library owns and can checkout to you using our curbside pick-up service. You can further limit your search to only show currently available items by selecting "show available items only."

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